4057 evolves around the topic of culture, where culture is defined as what most of the people do most of the time.
In the cities we live in, what we do is defined by the surrounding built environment and our routines are determined by the opportunities and obstacles created by the infrastructures of the city. Therefore, 4057 introduces a new system within the urban infrastructure, which interacts with the user routines of the cities, in order to redefine them, to redefine urban culture.
The way the existing infrastructure defines our culture and routines is static and non-dynamic, thus making it impossible for the existing urban systems to adapt to the users needs. In this framework, the emergent behaviours and organisational abilities of 4057 make it possible for the urban environment to respond to the user and the user’s needs, in order to create cities that are intelligent, interactive time-based space generators.
A system, which is able to reflect user patterns and information on the existing infrastructure in order to optimise space, as described before, must be intelligent. For that reason we investigated the concept of learning to acquire intelligence within our system. However it was important for us that the system can take decisions as well. Through further experimentation we came to the conclusion that space negotiation is the key to creating a dynamic self-organizing system. These aspects defines at large the framework of the research done for the realisation of the 4057 project.